The Production Department is the one responsible for the delivery of extension services, dissemination of improved technologies to the estimated 206,650 households and supervision of on-going activities for increased household food security and income.
The department’s mandate is derived from and linked to the Global and regional development framework such as the MDGs, and the comprehensive African Agriculture programme (CAADP) which seek to: To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger and to ensure environmental sustainability (MDGs) also commits African governments to the principle of agriculture- led growth as a main strategy; the pursuit of a 6 percent average annual growth rate for the agricultural sector; and to increase the share of the national budget allocated to the agricultural sector to reach an eventual target of 10 percent (CAADP process) respectively.
Our goal is in line with the national vision 2040 which seeks: a transformed Ugandan society from peasant to a modern and prosperous country within 30years.
Is to transform subsistence farming to commercial agriculture.
The MAAIF DSIP is the foundation document for the CAADP compact and will help move the sector towards achieving both the national and CAADP outcomes and targets.
Strategic Objective
Immediate Objectives
- To increase factor productivity (land, labour, capital) in crops, livestock, and fisheries sustainability.
- To develop sustainable markets for primary and secondary agricultural products within Uganda, the region and beyond.
- To create favorable legal, policy and institutional frameworks that facilitates private sector expansion and increased profitability along the entire value chain.
- To restructure MAAIF and Agencies functioning as modern to become client-oriented organization within an innovative, accountable, supportive environment.
Development Objectives
- Increase rural incomes and livelihoods increased and
- Improved house hold food and nutrition security
Departmental Administration
Production Department consists of one coordinating unit and five interrelated sub sectors. These departments are:
- District Production office (coordinating unit)
- Agriculture (crop)
- Veterinary (livestock)
- Fisheries
- Trade and commercial services
- Entomology
The production departments are coordinated by the district production officer (DPO) support staff. The sub sectors are interrelated in that they are targeting farmers or producers and the main goal is to achieve food security and increased household incomes through increased production and productivity; value addition and agro-processing.
Production Staff Structure and Disposition
The district received the recommended production structure from MoLG and MoPS, which structure was adopted by council. However, the structure received was only for the district headquarters. The structure for the lower local government levels was still under discussion by cabinet. The final decision would be communicated at an appropriate time.
The approved structure for the department at the district headquarters provides for 21 positions at the district headquarters however, the department’s strength currently stands at 14