This sector has the mandate of empowering and mobilizing communities to participate in the development process, access services and demand accountability in public and community-based initiatives. It promotes issues of social protection, equality, equity, human rights, culture, decent work conditions and empowerment of the poor and vulnerable groups. In doing all this, the sector contributes towards the realization of the millennium development goals.
Although the sector participates in all development programs, key programs directly implemented by the sector include Community Driven Development (CDD), Functional Adult Literacy, Community Based Rehabilitation, and special grant for PWDs and farmer Institutional development component under NAADS program, Program for promotion of children and youth (PCY), Youth Livelihood Program (YLP). YLP is a community driven program with both livelihood component and skills development component, funds are advanced to youth interest groups in form of revolving fund in order to increase outreach and enhance sustainability of the program.
The sector appreciates role played by civil society in areas of health, education, agriculture, social protection of marginalized people. These supplement government programs.
There are a number challenges that have affected effective service delivery, low sustainability of community groups especially those supported under CDD, special grant, unlicensed mushrooming children homes, inadequate funding for the labour, probation and culture sub sectors, un/underemployment of youth and poor living conditions of the elderly. Addressing these challenges will enhance social-economic transformation in the district